Turkey Skull

Turkey Skull. Meleagris gallopavo.
* Size: 109 mm / 4.3 inches
* Museum quality
* Cast in durable polyurethane resins
* Made in USA
The Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is native to North America and is the heaviest member of the Galliformes. It is one of two species of turkey, the other being the Ocellated Turkey, found in Central America. Adult Wild Turkeys have a small, featherless, reddish head, that can change to blue in minutes a red throat in males; long reddish-orange to greyish-blue legs; and a dark-brown to black body. The head has fleshy growths called caruncles; in excited turkeys, a fleshy flap on the bill expands, becoming engorged with blood. Males have red wattles on the throat and neck. Each foot has four toes, and males have rear spurs on their lower legs.
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