Dinosaur Corporation is the leading supplier of replicas of contemporary skulls and skeletons. Located in Henderson-Nevada and in business for over 20 years supplying museums and science institutions.

We accepts "Purchase Orders-Tax-Exempt Orders" from preschools, museums, child centers, schools, school districts, universities and discovery Centers from US, Canada and Worldwide.

We have a large selection of museum quality prehistoric man skulls, Hominid skulls, fossil replicas, Lucy skull, Australopithecus afarensis skull, Peking Man skull, Adapis skull, Aegyptopithecus zeuxis skull, Cro-Magnon skull, Gigantopithecus blacki skull, Homo ergaster skull, Homo habilis skull, Mrs. Ples skull, Neanderthal skull, Pro-Consul skull, Rooneyia omomyid skull, Homo sapiens skull, Taung Child skull, The Black skull, Zinjanthropus skull, Australopithecus afarensis cranium, Homo erectus skull, Homo habilis skull, Neanderthal skull, Australopithecus afarensis skull Australopithecus africanus cranium.

Museum Quality Replicas are cast in durable Polyurethane resins.

Prehistoric Series Hominid Skulls
Regular price: $1,150.00
Sale price: $980.00
Australopithecus afarensis Cranium
Regular price: $235.00
Sale price: $192.00
Homo erectus Cranium
Regular price: $235.00
Sale price: $192.00
Neanderthal Skull
Regular price: $265.00
Sale price: $230.00
Australopithecus afarensis Skull
Regular price: $265.00
Sale price: $230.00
Australopithecus africanus Cranium
Regular price: $235.00
Sale price: $192.00
Homo habilis Cranium
Regular price: $235.00
Sale price: $192.00
Neanderthal Cranium
Regular price: $235.00
Sale price: $192.00
Venus of Dolni Vestonice 4"
Regular price: $52.00
Sale price: $45.00
Venus of Willendorf, 4"
Regular price: $52.00
Sale price: $45.00

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